

RadPsyNews #10

October 1995

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This is a modified version of the original paper newsletter.

Links and other information may be outdated.

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Issue #10 Contents



Dennis Fox

The Radical Psychology Network met twice in New York during August's APA meeting. More than 20 people, almost all RadPsyNet members, came to one or both sessions. It was great meeting in person so many members we'd known only at a distance! (And getting o ut of the convention hotel and into Manhattan's restaurants!)

We discussed where we've been as a Network and where we'd like to go. As predicted, we had a variety of views. Some members would like to see the group more active. Others would like to see it more focused. Still others are happy with it as it is.

A number of members proposed, and agreed to take part in, several projects. These include:

*Proposing to APA that the next APA Convention have as one of its themes, "Racism and Oppression." (Randy Potts, Keith Curry, Melissa Warren)

*Generating letters to the editor of the APA Monitor concerning a specific article of interest to RadPsy. (Keith Curry)

*Developing materials to distribute to undergraduate students and teachers of undergraduate courses. (Eliot Levine and Isaac Prilleltensky)

*Gathering books to distribute to colleagues in Latin America. (Isaac Prilleltensky)

We also discussed the Topics that had been in the last newsletter and actually made some decisions.


We agreed that there will likely be times that RadPsyNet should make public statements on significant issues. Other decisions may come. We decided that, when a decision must be made quickly, we will use the e-mail network to solicit fast feedback. Anyone proposing a particular course of action can send an e-mail query directly to the membership. Although any participant in the e-mail list can take part in the discussion, only actual members of RadPsyNet (those who have paid dues or requested a waiver) can vote. When we have more decision making time, we will use the newsletter for the same purpose. Send proposed calls of action to the Newsletter Editor.


Many RadPsyNet members who have e-mail have not signed on to the RadPsyNet e-mail list. This makes it difficult to obtain feedback from the members and to distribute information to the group. Some of our members do not want to receive the volume of mail g enerated on the e-mail list. We discussed several ways to handle this.

One way is to establish a second "members only" list for occasional announcements. We did not make any decision about this, however. In the meantime, if you're not signed on to the e-mail list, please try it!


At the time of the convention, RadPsyNet had about $100 in our account (since increased to $175 before producing this newsletter). This is not enough to keep producing newsletters as long as they have become or for other activities such as member outreach.

WE DECIDED TO ESTABLISH A NEW DUES STRUCTURE BASED ON A SLIDING SCALE FEE SCHEDULE - FROM $10 AT A MINIMUM TO $50 OR MORE FOR THOSE WHO CAN AFFORD IT. We have had members pay $50, even $100 in the past, but we've also had members unable to pay anything.

We agreed to retain waivers for those who really can't afford dues. But remember, if everyone takes waivers, we can't maintain our activities. If you can't afford $10, then how about $5?

[Important Changes! See our current membership policy!]


Primarily because of our finances, and secondarily because of Dennis Fox's other commitments, the newsletter is now reduced in size. This lowers photocopy and postage costs, which have been rising with the length of the newsletter. Until the dues start fl owing in more regularly, the newsletter will be limited to a short listing of announcements and similar material. We can, however, include directions on how to find longer articles you have placed on the RadPsy World Wide Web or elsewhere.

Fortunately, to help with the newsletter workload, we now have a newsletter committee!

Jackie Klosek in New York and John Lawrence in Baltimore have signed on to help put out RadPsyNews. Jackie has already begun - shes edited this issue of the newsletter and will do the next one as well, with help from John. Thanks!

FOR THE NEXT NEWSLETTER, send your announcements and short articles to Jackie Klosek, Issue Editor


I have spent the last year as a labor union "consultant" and as a member of a joint (management-union) committee on workplace testing issues. This was part of my Ph.D. internship requirement in Applied Psychology, made possible by my association with peop le in other departments who study critical social theory.

I worked with union representatives contesting the way the company was using aptitude tests for promoting people into jobs very similar to the ones they were already doing, in some cases jobs they'd already done at some point. Large numbers of people were failing the tests and the company was hiring low seniority people or new hires, who had passed the tests, into the jobs. In an attempt to deal with the problem, the company hired a psychologist to review their testing problems. The psychologist basically supported the testing methods and suggested that over time, it would result in a "higher caliber" of employee at the plant. He also held the view that he was neutral and represented both the union and the company. By the end of the process (it took at le ast a year), we were finally able to get the company to stop using the tests for in-house people who could demonstrate job-related experience. in my work on this issue I've found that the standard critiques of standardi! zed testing are not enough since t hey do not account for the political and institutional contexts in which the testing takes place.

I would appreciate hearing from anyone who has worked in similar situations or who might have supportive insights on the issues.

Megan Terepocki
The Ontario Institute for Studies in Education
252 Bloor Street West
Ontario, CANADA
M5S 1V6
Email: mterepocki@oise.on.ca




The Society for the Psychological Study of Social Issues invites proposals addressing "Social Issues: Theory, Research and Action: Retrospect, Progress and Prospects" for inclusion in its 60th Anniversary Convention. This event will be held May 31-June 2, 1996 on the University of Michigan campus in Ann Arbor. Program events of special interest to students are planned, including a student poster section

Program Proposals are due on January 5, 1996

SPSSI Central Office
P.O. Box 1248
Ann Arbor, MI 48106-1248
Phone: (313) 662-9130
Fax: 9313) 662-5607
Email: SPSSI@umich.edu


JULY 12-14, 1996
Geneva, Switzerland

Theme: Socio-Economic Reform of a Just Society

The organizers encourage sessions and papers that focus on the building of trust and institutions that promote the development of fair and just societies.

Contact: Society for the Advancement of Socio-Economics
2808 Central Avenue SE
Albuquerque, NM 87106 USA
tel: 505/277-5081
fax: 505/277-4215




6th Annual Conference

The Rise of the Right: What Does it Mean? What Can We Do About It?

OCTOBER 27-29, 1995
Loyola University, Chicago

Workshops, Plenaries, Video Previews, Literature Fair, and Political Receptions

$50 - Sustainer
$25 - Regular
$15 - Student/Low-income

Carl Davidson
Networking for Democracy
3411 W. Diversy, Ste 1
Chicago, IL 60647
Tel: 312/384-9927
Fax: 312/384-3904
Email: cdavidson@igc.org

LAW AND SOCIETY ASSOCIATION & Research Committee on Sociology of Law

(International Sociological Association)

July 10-13, 1996
Glasgow, Scotland

Theme: "Globalization and the Quest for Justice"

Proposals Due: January 4, 1996

The program committee invites proposals for presentation and discussion of all aspects of research on topics that link law and society in the broadest sense of these terms.

Contact: Law and Society Association
ATTN: Program Committee
Hampshire House-Box 33615
University of Massachusetts
Amherst, MA 01003-3615 USA

Phone 413/545-4617
Fax 413/545-1640

More Info on World Wide Web: http://www-unix.oit.umass/~Isapg/glasgow.htm



NOVEMBER 18-19, 1995
Institute of Education
20 Bedford Way
London Wc1

This conference aims to assess the risks and explore the alternatives to retiring from life in the 90s.
Workshops include:

Kate Margram


Theme: "Politics and Power; Research and Action"

Sponsored by the graduate students of the Ecological-Community Psychology Program at Michigan State University.

November 3-5, 1995
W. K. Kellogg Biological Station
Michigan State University
Hicklory Corners, Michigan

The conference endeavors to bring together students, faculty, and other friends of eco-community.

Proposals and Registrations Due September 30, 1995 (Try anyway!)

Contact: Holly Angelique


Papers from the conference, "CYBERPSYCHOLOGY" are now available in CYBERPSYCHOLOGY: CONFERENCE, INTERVENTION AND REFLECTIONS with papers by Angel J. Gordo-Lopez, Dan Heggs, Jenny Wolmark, Sadie Plan, Joanna Hodge, Kathy Doherty, Anna Madill and Ian Parker

DECONSTRUCTING PSYCHOLOGY by Parker, I., Georgaca E., Harper D., McLaughlin, T. and Stowell-Smith, M. Chapters include: "Madness and Modernity"; "Psychotic Discourse"; "Radical Mental Health" and more, plus an expansive resource list at the end.

Contact: Ian Parker at I.A.Parker@Bolton.ac.uk

On the Internet



For a discussion of wider social, cultural, political, ideological, institutional and related aspects of psychoanalysis and other psychodynamic approaches. Matters of concern to the profession of psychodynamic therapists, including funding, efficacy, and critiques are also welcome, as is any psychodynamically-related topic.

To subscribe:

Send e-mail to: listserv@netcom.com
In the body of the e-mail, type:
Subscribe psa-public-sphere
DO NOT include any other information, such as your name


The purpose of the site is to serve those interested in cognition, behavior, health and education. If you would like to help with this project please take a look at:

Ian Pitchford
Department of Biomedical Sciences
University of Sheffield
Western Bank
Sheffield S10 2TN
United Kingdom


Eliot Levine

"Radicalizing Organized Psychology" was one of several Critical Issues Groups at the 1995 Society for Community Research and Action (APA Division 27) conference in Chicago, thanks to the advance work of Dennis and Isaac. Our subgroup brainstormed about wa ys to "educate and support psychology students in their efforts to learn and live the values of social justice and critical theory." Our main proposals were: (1) to create and distribute modules of critical theory and critical psychology to students and p rofessors and (2) to link with SCRA's standing committee on "Raising Undergraduate Awareness in Community Psychology" to seek representation of critical perspectives.

Our personal experiences point to the importance of exposure to critical perspectives. During our undergraduate years, our awareness of social injustice increased, but the undergraduate curriculum lacked materials to illustrate the link between psychology and an oppressive status quo. We both feel that earlier exposure to critical perspectives would have benefited our choices for graduate training. We hope that additional information will help incipient critical thinkers, both graduate and undergraduate, to avoid the circuitous route that brought us to our current niches in psychology.

Specific ideas from the Chicago meeting included compiling literature (bibliographies, orientation packets, course materials, provocative one-page bulletin board notices) and finding entry points for distribution in universities (radical gatekeepers, unde rgraduate honor societies, e-mail list). Please share with us any ways that you would like to be involved and any thoughts you have about readings, distribution, alternative career paths, and anything else you think is important. Moving glacially toward o ur goals, we welcome suggestions and participation from other RadPsyNet members.

Margaret Douglin
Wilfrid Laurier University
Ontario, CANADA

Eliot Levine
Department of Psychology
University of Maryland at College Park
College Park, MD 20742


On the newsletter address label is the date of your last annual dues payment. HOW ABOUT RENEWING YOUR DUES NOW, even if it's not a year since you last paid? If there's no date on your label, it means you've never paid. Please reconsider!

Editor: Jackie Klosek

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Updated 30 September 2007 - Contacts
RadPsyNet: http://www.radpsynet.org